Awakening the
in every Child

Awakening the
in every Child


Chairman’s Message

Our children are the future generation, the backbone of our nation and its imperative that schools take up the onus of moulding the next generation into caring and responsible members of the society. Thus, apart from academic excellence & skills, schools should ideally take up the responsibility of inculcating the basic virtues. The child must acquire the right habits, self-control, polite mannerisms and a passionate concern for the environment and the society.

Our experience tells us that there is a whole lot of difference between school and life. In school, one is taught a lesson and then tested. In the course of life, we are given a test which ends up teaching us a lesson. Hence, we have decided to model our students into the best of learners as well as successful players of life.

Leaders are not born but made and we endeavour to awaken the genius in every child. Once the child’s inner worth is discovered and recognised, she/he will strive to emulate the best in the field and bring laurels to the country.

We are not just INTERESTED in doing so. Rather we are COMMITTED. There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. But when you are committed to do something, you accept no excuses, only results.

Warm regards


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