Awakening the
in every Child

Awakening the
in every Child


Co-Scholastic Activities

Co- Scholastic Activities

Laurel High is the garden of learning where children are allowed to blossom in a free and stimulating environment. The child is at his/her most creative till the age of 6 years during which he learns and imbibes readily from his surroundings. The challenge lies in finding ways and means of introducing more meaning, more joy, more activity and development of more competence and more skills in the lives of young students.

Keeping all this in mind and aiming at the all round personality development of the children, extra-curricular activities play a significant role in the curriculum. Hence, alongside study periods, young Laurealites participate with intense joy and enthusiasm in various club activities which not only provide a welcome change from the daily class routine but also prove instrumental in identifying their latent talents.

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