Awakening the
in every Child

Awakening the
in every Child


Cyber Policy


In today’s world, technology is the need of the hour. As an educational institution, it is the school’s responsibility to provide Internet facilities and IT devices to ensure the best learning outcomes among the students. The school has the dual responsibility to maximize the benefits of these technologies, while at the same time to minimize and manage the risks of any unwanted activities. Thus, we need to have in place rigorous and effective school Cyber Safety practices which are directed and guided by this Cyber policy.
Our VISION is to build a secure cyberspace for students and faculty members.

Why Cyber Policy?

It is extremely important to protect information in cyberspace, be capable of preventing cyber threats, reduce vulnerabilities and minimize damage from cyber crime.

Cyber Policy

This policy applies whenever students and faculty members are using Laurel High-The School Information Technology equipment , services or resources, whether at school or at home.
Kindly adhere to the following mandatory guidelines:

What Happens If Any One Violates Cyber Policy Of Laurel High-the School?

Anyone who violates this policy will be subjected to the Behaviour Management Policy of LAUREL HIGH-THE SCHOOL

Guidelines For Parents


Cyber Safety Awareness’ – An initiative by Cyber Crime Branch, Delhi Police

The Cyber Crime Cell of Delhi Police organizes workshops on ‘Cyber Safety Awareness’ in schools across Delhi. The workshop aims to share and to familiarize the teachers about a standardized cyber safety awareness module that has been prepared by the Cyber Cell of Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police. It has been observed that school going children are more vulnerable to cyber offenses due to their inquisitiveness, curiosity and inadequate awareness about online threats and safe online habits.
Here are a few tips for parents by Cyber Crime Cell, Delhi Police to help them in sensitizing school going teenagers about cybercrime and how to be cyber smart.

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